domenica , 22 Dicembre 2024

Snooky Music Pub di Caldonazzo

GiovedA� 14 gennaio, ore 21.15, Snooky Music Pub di Caldonazzo: Next Point in concerto live per TCA.

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Alla Bookique la Festa della Musica con i “Pillole Blues live”

Venerdì 21 giugno 2019 ad ore 21.00, al Caffè letterario – Bookique,   in via Torre …

Un commento

  1. I’d like share this videos with your blog, because that video have many informations about Trentino region, begining near the Garda lake flying above the mount Dolomites diretly for Caldonazzo and Levico lake and passed for the Belivere Road in front Panarotta where show some waterfall.

    Feelgood Channel.

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